Mitchell’s Garden
The Mitchell’s Garden occupies a large town allotment. Besides the veggie garden, recently converted to raised beds, there are well-established flower beds, low hedges, a pizza oven, and an outdoor deck area.
Maintaining their patch is a true team effort. Sue is the creative gardening brain, and Stephen takes care of the lawns.
In our food garden
All the summer vegetables. They’re so rewarding to grow. The weather is warm, everything is bright and sunny, and you can literally see the vegetables growing.
We love sharing the fruits of our labour with family and friends and placing excess produce at the front gate for people to take. We freeze some selected produce and use herbs and flowers in the studio for workshops, making candles, melts, etc.
Standout sustainable practices
Following a knee injury, we adopted raised garden beds and the ‘no dig’ method. We grow our veggies in layers of fireplace ashes, newspaper, compost, soil, and sheep manure, topped with sugar cane mulch, which helps retain moisture and improve soil quality.
We fertilise the rest of the garden with alternating sheep manure and commercial fertiliser applications.
Top tip for novice gardeners
Look out for
Vegetables growing amongst the flower beds.
Sue cooking free samples of tasty morsels made from our veggies.
A free activity for kids - decorate a pot and plant it up.
For sale – ‘EWE Beaut’ Garden Fertiliser.
For sale on the day
Veggie avatar
Sue - A tomato, I’m creative from my head 'to-ma-toes'
222 Princes Way, Drouin
Parking on Princes Way, at nearby Hilltop Milkbar and childcare centre. Additional parking in nearby Hearn and Bloye Streets.
The garden is wheelchair accessible. There are no stairs and few rough/uneven surfaces. Hearn Street Park has accessible toilets and BBQ facilities.